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TIS Newsletter December 2015

Easily create collective acknowledgement receipts and more ...

TIS GmbH wishes Merry Christmas 2015

December 7, 2015bielefeld_giesekus_gf_horizontal

Christmas is coming - and together with you we look back on an eventful and exciting year 2015. If you have visited us at one of the numerous trade fairs and events this year, you have certainly learned about our new umbrella brand "TISLOG Logistics & Mobility" under which we have combined our various telematics solutions. Meanwhile, we have introduced new technologies in many businesses of our customers and are eager to see how 2016 will develop. An important ongoing issue is to create synergies between our different business projects and to continue to work on innovative, customer-friendly solutions and services. In this newsletter we therefore introduce a "TIS-classic", which is probably not known already to everyone: The TISLOG mobile function "collective processing" enables your drivers to process summed shipments or delivery addresses, which then can be processed and acknowledged within one process.
This clever TIS solution accelerates smooth handovers of shipments and saves time. We also introduce one of our new employees in software development - and give you a brief overview of the most interesting dates in 2016.

Learn more in this newsletter - and look forward to some Christmas recipes from our employees - guaranteed kitchen tested!

For the team of TIS
Josef Bielefeld / Peter Giesekus
- Managing Directors -

Topics of this issue

Easily create collective receipts with the TISLOG logistics app

Easily create collective acknowledgement receipts with TISLOG mobile logistics software


Via the function "collective processing" drivers can combine shipments or shipping addresses in TISLOG mobile and thus handle the shipments or several delivery acknowledgements in one process. This saves time and accelerates the smooth handovers of shipments.

In the TISLOG mobile system, the driver has two ways to trigger the collective processing. Either he marks two orders manually or scans a two shipments to combine them. During further process he can easily edit the various data sets as one job - all other operations, including signature receipt are duplicated automatically and stored in the combined orders. This saves time and reduces error probabilities.
He can summarize two levels: The stop level at different addresses and the shipment level on several pallets that have been delivered to an address.

Collective acknowledgement receipts for multiple deliveries to one address

If several shipments are delivered to one recipient, he needs to acknowledge reception only once. This saves time and produces a higher acceptance by the customer who only needs to sign once now.

Collective processing of different addresses

In cargo traffic, the drivers are not only challenged to handle many stops quickly, but they also usually have to cope with a low address data quality. This means, for example, 4-5 address variants with different spellings of one physical delivery address. With TISLOG mobile collective processing these records can be summarized conveniently for further processing by the driver with just a few clicks or scans. For each data set all parameters such as loading tackle, delivery notes and other notes are later duplicated and stored.

Do you have questions about our mobile order management software? Our sales team will be happy to answer.

Our new employee in software development: Marius Thesing

marius-thesingSince September 1st Marius Thesing is working in our software development (with a focus on the server area). After graduation, he was initially trained as an IT specialist for system integration at the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe (LWL) in Münster. There he was mainly active in server and network administration.
Subsequently Marius Thesing studied computer sciences and software systems at the Westphalian College in Bocholt. Last summer he wrote his thesis with us and successfully finished his studies. Subject of his thesis was "Custom compilation of statistics, including order management and telematics data". We are delighted to have Marius Thesing in our team.

Welcome, Marius!



Advent recipes from the TIS-kitchen


Pia Soppe - Tissi in purchasing, administration and trade fair organization, although just on parental leave, has told us some of her most delicious and very simple Advent recipes. Success guaranteed and they are extremely delicious. From quick apple punch to the best and fastest Christmas cookies - now the sub-zero temperatures can come!

Quick apple punch without alcohol


  • 1 liter of apple juice
  • Anise (from the spice rack)

How to do it:

  1. Fill the apple juice in a saucepan.
  2. Fill anise in a tea infuser (the tea infuser should be half full).
  3. Boil apple juice with tea infuser short and steep for about half an hour (depending on taste)

Warm-up again before serving - ready!


Quick apple punch with alcohol


  • 1 liter of apple juice
  • 2-4 cl clear aniseed brandy

How to do it:

Boil apple juice with aniseed brandy in a saucepan - ready!


The best and fastest Christmas cookies


  • 2 eggs
  • 500 g flour
  • 100 g margarine
  • 2 tablespoons honey or favorite jelly
  • 500 g sugar
  • 2 tsp gingerbread spice
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
  • 75 g orange peel
  • 75 g candied lemon
  • 200 g almonds or nuts, chopped
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • possibly milk


How to do it:

  1. Mix all ingredients. If the dough is not supple already, add a little milk to the suitable consistency for further processing.

  2. Form a roll and cut the roll into slices - each 1 cm thick.

  3. Since the biscuits expand a lot during baking, leave a wide margin between the dough slices on the baking sheet and bake them at 180 degrees Celsius for 15 - 18 minutes.

The cookies taste best, if they are stored for a few days in an airtight container, allowing them to soften a bit.

Have fun trying the recipes!

Our recipes for download

Christmas Recipes

Here you can download our recipes to be printed out (document prints color-saving)


130.75 KB frfrf

File Type



Our sales team will gladly advise you!

Do you have any questions about this news or general questions about our products and services?

Our colleagues in the TIS sales gladly take care of your questions concerns.

Please give us a call:

+49 2871 2722-0

Or send us an e-mail

InnoMATIK 2016

Outlook - Intersting events in 2016

On May 18 - 19, 2016 we celebrate our 30th anniversary - and to honor this, we will host our high-caliber innovation forum InnoMATIK at the four-star Landhotel Voshövel.



Inter alia, our program holds highly interesting lectures by renowned experts from science and practice ready for you:


Mobile applications today and in 5 years

lecture by Daniel Dombach, Head of EMEA Industry Solutions at Zebra Technologies


Does the car still need people? Limits of autonomous driving

lecture by Prof. Dr. Michael Schreckenberg, Professor of Physics of Transport and Traffic, University of Duisburg

Also meet us again at numerous trade show events

Mark these dates in your calendar already:

  • Logimat, Stuttgart 03/08-10/2016
  • T-Matik, Greven 05/10/2016
  • 4th Innovation Forum Telematics 05/18-19/2016
  • Annual BWVL meeting in October 2016

See you again in January!

That's it from us with news in December!
For comments, requests or suggestions regarding this newsletter please do not hesitate to contact us.

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