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Donations for nonprofit organizations in 2021

More than 8000€ for Kalangala e.V.

Spenden für Kalangala e.V. | TIS GmbH aus Bocholt

Bocholt, January 25, 2022

TIS GmbH has been supporting the nonprofit organization Kalangala e.V. for many years and has spent a lot again in 2021.

The association sticks up for orphans in Uganda and helps them to develop a self-determined life through an appropriate school education. For this, the organization has built a boarding school, called the “Home of Happiness” where the children can spend their school days carefree.
But again and again there are “problems” that can only be solved by additional donations. In the last year Kalangala e.V. focused on the boys’ restroom which is a latrine. A Latrine means a deep hole in the ground on which the toilet house is built over. This hole was full so that a new restroom had to be built.

The new restroom for the boys
As a latrine cannot be used for a long time, the organization decided to invest in a long-term solution. The difference: A steel cylinder is placed in the hole in the ground or a cylinder is built with stones in the ground. As soon as the cylinder is full, it can be exhausted without damages so that it still can be used. The building costs are 15.000 €.

Donation of TIS GmbH
To support Kalangala e.V. TIS has donated a total of 8.630€ throughout the year 2021. The first 5.000€ were donated in September. But in November it has become clear that the organization did not get enough money yet. That was the reason why TIS supported again with an amount of 2.000€.
Furthermore, TIS arranged an online company christmas party with a lottery. Each worker had the possibility to buy a lottery ticket for 5€. The proceeds are donated to Kalangala e.V.. Last year, it was amount of 815 € which were doubled by the familiy Bielefeld who are the owners of TIS GmbH.

Further donations through the abdication of christmas presents
TIS is not only donating to the organization Kalangala. The company also supports other nonprofit associations. In 2021 we donated to the following ones:

  • Sindiso e.V.
  • SOS Kinderdörfer
  • Ärzte ohne Grenzen
  • Brot für die Welt
  • Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.

The donations are mostly financed through the abdiction of christmas presents for partners and customers.

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