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Rückbblick InnoMATIK 2022 | TIS GmbH

TIS Press Release September 2022

On September 21, 2022 the InnoMATIK, an innovation forum for telematics, could finally take place again. The event was very successful with more than 70 participating customers and ten exhibited partners.

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TIS Anwenderbericht | Neue Dispositionslösung bei Gebrüder Weiss

TIS Press Release May 2022

Gebrüder Weiss wants to optimize its local traffic processes with a new developed software by TIS. 14 of 50 locations already use the new system.

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Pressemitteilung Januar 2022 - Telematikkunde Kicherer | TIS GmbH

Press Release January 2022

The steel wholesaler Friedrich Kicherer has replaced five different technology providers by only one telematics system called TISLOG. Furthermore, the company saved interfaces and faciliated its administration.

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Telematik Anwenderbericht Emons Spedition | TIS GmbH

TIS Press Release September 2021

Device replacement at Emons Spedition

Emons Spedition replaced around 1,500 mobile computers for warehouse and driving personnel, along with the relevant telematics software, within the space of only four months. Honeywell’s CT60 XPI, a standard device covering both areas, is being used for the first time. TIS GmbH is the supplier of the devices.

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Gebrüder Weiss Dispositionslösung | TIS GmbH

TIS Press Release June 2021

Gebrüder Weiss relies on a new tour planning tool in local transport

The international transport and logistics company Gebrüder Weiss is optimizing its land transport processes with a new type of dispatching solution. The software integrates the graphic tour planning into the TISLOG telematics system used by Gebrüder Weiss, which has been specially adjusted for this purpose.

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Telematik Anwenderbericht Gustke | TIS GmbH

TIS Press Release June 2021

Constantly changing

With TISLOG, the Heinrich Gustke forwarding company uses one single telematics system for all cargo and general cargo transport, which enables gapless digital work.

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