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Pressemitteilung TIS GmbH - Papierlose Logistikprozesse Camion

TIS Press Release November 2021

Paperless logistics processes

Camion Transport AG from Switzerland simplifies its dispatch in the short- and long-distance traffic with the help of the telematics solution TISLOG and saves around 24 tons of paper every year.

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Newsletter November 2021

Today we TISLOG Enterprise Bus as a data hub for your IT infrastructure. Plus new TISWARE logistics hardware and free telematics webinars in December.

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Our data hub, the so-called TISLOG office Enterprise Bus, is the simple solution for forwarding data to different systems. This simplifies your IT landscape and facilitates your work processes. Learn more in this article.

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Newsletter October 2021

In this issue, we introduce you to geofencing in TISLOG, we have new accessories, look back at our trade show appearance, and you learn more about our webinars.

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Geofencing in der TISLOG Logistiksoftware

Geofencing in TISLOG

Satellite-controlled positioning of trucks can be used to automate various processes in logistics that are usually controlled manually. Today we present the geofencing feature in the TISLOG logistics software and show you the possible applications.

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Newsletter September 2021

From October 20 – 22 we will be live at the International Supply Chain Conference in Berlin.
The TISLOG logistics software now offers e-CMR processing and we offer automated OS updates for TISWARE hardware users.
Find these topics and our webinar dates in this issue.

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