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e-CMR: The paperless consignment note

After ten years of coming into effect of the e-CMR protocol, Germany has introduced and accepted the digital consignment note, called e-CMR. Because of this, we decided to include it in our system.

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ETA Extensions in the TISLOG Locistics Software | TIS GmbH

ETA news

The ETA is the estimated time of arrival. TIS GmbH is able to calculate the times of the different stops within the tour due to its logistics software TISLOG. More information in the article.

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Farbänderungen in der TISLOG App für die Logistik

Color changes in the TISLOG app

Within the TISLOG app there is the possibility to change the colors in order to highlight certain elements. This includes the footer buttons as well as the menu buttons.

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Pressemitteilung Januar 2022 - Telematikkunde Kicherer | TIS GmbH

Press Release January 2022

The steel wholesaler Friedrich Kicherer has replaced five different technology providers by only one telematics system called TISLOG. Furthermore, the company saved interfaces and faciliated its administration.

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Pressemitteilung Januar 2022 - Telematikkunde Kicherer | TIS GmbH

Telematics Case Study Kicherer

The steel wholesaler Friedrich Kicherer has replaced five technology suppliers with the TISLOG telematics solution from TIS. Furthermore, it saved interfaces and made its administration much easier.

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