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Summary – 4th Innovation Forum of TIS GmbH

4th Innovation Forum TELEMATICS: Reality check for the industry trends

Summary: Telematics Convention InnoMATIK of TIS GmbH

June 19, 2016

Josef Bielefeld und Peter Giesekus - Geschäftsführer der TIS GmbHFor us the last month was dominated by the InnoMATIK that we have now arranged for the 4th time. The InnoMATIK, the Innovation Forum TELEMATICS, inter alia addressed the question of the long-term relevance of (technical) Megatrends for our industry: Whether autonomous driving, Internet of Things or Wearable Technologies - numerous high-profile lectures gave sufficient material for discussion and reflection on the future of the logistics industry. In addition to the technical topics this time also the 30-year anniversary of TIS was an interesting part of the event, which has been extensively celebrated with more than 90 visitors on the evening of May 18.

Read more in our newsletter!
Best regards for the team of TIS

Josef Bielefeld / Peter Giesekus
Managing Directors –

Josef Bielefeld auf der Telematik-Fachtagung Innomatik 2016

TIS founder and owner Josef Bielefeld

Company aniversay - 30 years TIS


Already the opening lecture of founder and TIS-owner Josef Bielefeld made it clear that the development of TIS was (and is) very closely linked with the technical innovations of the last 30 years. From the first mobile device in the 90's over the different mobile radio standards, which enabled it soon to transfer larger amounts of data, to Bluetooth and Android and more. The visitors were given an informative and entertaining insight in 30th years of TIS with all challenges, irritations, and innovation (R)evolutions in the company's history.

Impressionen der Telematik-Fachtagung Innomatik 2016

Impressions of 4. InnoMATIK. Find more impressions on the event website.

Technology - The future of autonomous driving

Gastredner Prof. Dr. Michael auf der Telematik-Fachtagung Innomatik 2016

Guest speaker Prof. Dr. Michael Schreckenberg spoke at the InnoMATIK 2016

Then Professor Michael Schreckenberg of the University of Duisburg-Essen made his listeners think and smile. The question “Does the car still need people?” could finally be answered by the entire audience with a hearty “YES!”. It turned out that not only quirky road signs and strange roundabouts could overwhelm a computer, but also controversial issues of machine ethics have not been resolved sufficiently to the end yet and the necessary infrastructure so far is chronically underfunded.

Mobility - Mobile applications today and in 5 years

Gastredner Daniel Dombach auf der Telematik-Fachtagung Innomatik 2016

Guest speaker Daniel Dombach on InnoMATIK 2016

The second day started with a presentation by Daniel Dombach, Head of EMEA Industry Solutions at Zebra Technologies, who gave the audience an overview of current mega trends. He showed impressively that the pressure for change is currently less caused by technological innovations and more by a change in consumer behavior, with quite a massive impact on logistics: “Free Shipping”, same day delivery and the explosive developments in Amazon were important key points here.

Using numerous current use cases he showed then where innovations such as drones or wearable technologies can be interesting for the enterprise environment. Zebra is testing, for example, how workers in the sorting line can obtain package track information in real time through a display of computer eyeglasses, so that these packages can be sorted more quickly. Also sensors that measure the temperature in the truck trailer in real time and pass the information on to a central computer are no longer science fiction. The Internet of Things is definitely already a living reality in everyday forwarding.

Software - Is there such thing as the perfect operating system?

Gastredner Sven Scheller auf der Telematik-Fachtagung Innomatik 2016

Guest speaker Sven Scheller on InnoMATIK 2016

Sven Scheller, Manager Solution Architect Team Central Europe Honeywell, then devoted himself to the question of whether there is the perfect operating system with a view to commercial customers. He systematically faced the pros and cons of Windows 10 and Android and showed which questions companies need to ask to make the right decision for their systems. In conclusion, he gave a very interesting look at the developers from Honeywell, who are currently working on the automated volume detection.

TISWARE Hardware auf der Telematik-Fachtagung Innomatik 2016

At the accompanying exhibition visitors found the chance to discover the latest generation of hardware and accessories for logistics.

Outlook - Future developments at TIS

Peter Giesekus und Markus Vinke auf der Telematik-Fachtagung Innomatik 2016

The TIS-colleagues Peter Giesekus and Markus Vinke took an outlook into the future of TIS GmbH

Over the two-day InnoMATIK the TIS staff presented the latest hardware and software developments in concise keynote speeches. Finally Peter Giesekus and Markus Vinke gave an outlook on future developments at TIS and showed how TISLOG office develops into the Internet of Things (IOT) platform, which reporting and analysis options and which device management functions are currently being developed. A big issue certainly is Green Logistics, for example by dynamic tour planning.

This closed the circle, because it became clear that the solutions from TIS in the future will go hand in hand with the technical innovation cycles. TIS will continue to shape them – and turn them into practical solutions for its customers.

If you want to read more about the event, just visit our blog! 

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See you again in July

That was it with news from TIS for June. See you in July!
For comments, requests or suggestions regarding this newsletter, we are gladly available.

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