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TIS Newsletter July 2015

Automatic returnable goods surveillance, free privacy agreement template for TIS service contract customers ...

Newsletter der TIS GmbH aus Bocholt

July 9, 2015bielefeld_giesekus_gf_horizontal

Summer, sun and thunderstorms - before the holiday season reaches its peak period, we bring more interesting news from the TIS-world - and our staff will provide some delicious recipes for your barbeque: Bon appetit!

This fiscal year is progressing more quickly than many before. This is certainly owed to the fact that our portfolio earlier this year has grown with significant new products and we have regrouped our various telematics solutions under the new umbrella brand "TISLOG Logistics & Mobility". In this newsletter we introduce our new website with comprehensive information on these new products to you.
Also read more about our customer MEGA and how we realize automated returnable goods surveillance with TISLOG mobile. We then give you a glance over the shoulder of our developers and show you how we are using 3D modeling and 3D printing to develop our hardware. And for our TIS service contract customers, we have prepared a free privacy agreement template which we will introduce first.

For details now in this newsletter - enjoy reading!
for the team of TIS  
Josef Bielefeld / Peter Giesekus
– Managing Directors –

The topics of this issue

Datenschutz mit TISLOG | TIS GmbH

Free privacy agreement template for TIS service contract customers

In transport logistics the use of subcontractors is common and proven for decades. For their use, there are contractual foundations which necessarily must include legal data protection regulations. For this we have a contract template drawn up.
Among subcontractors on the one hand there are individual orders of transports - typical in long-distance transport. Secondly there is the regular use of independent companies or transport companies with small fleets, servicing pre-defined areas or transport routes for delivery and pick-ups.
In both cases, of course a contract is completed, which regulates the transportation service and compensation, as well as details such as the use of telematics equipment. Not everywhere common already is the involvement of the Federal Data Protection Act (Act) prescribed rules on data protection (see §§ 4b, 4c BDSG).
What is that about? The disclosure of personal data (which includes for example, telephone numbers, IP addresses and positioning data of customers' employees or of the employees of the subcontractor) by companies to a third party is prohibited by law, unless a so-called "contract for commissioned data processing" has been closed.
For this "contract for commissioned data processing" TIS has arranged for a contract template to be drafted which we will provide to our service contract customers on request. For ease of customizing the template is commented with explanatory remarks.

Are you interested in this template?

Then send us an e-mail to or use our contact form. We will get back to you shortly.


TISLOG mobile PSV3 | Logistik-Software für Windows Embedded 6.5 Handhelds

MEGA: Automatic returnable goods surveillance and mobile monitoring with TISLOG

The Stuttgart wholesaler of butcher craft and gastronomy (MEGA) has recently been using TISLOG mobile PSV3 to perform their logistical tasks more efficiently and thus more cost-effective. An important feature is the  “Virtual Loading Equipment Waybill”, significantly enhancing the overview of unreturned loading equipment.

The wholesaler i.a. operates a delivery service that delivers gastronomic products to about 400 farms in Baden-Württemberg per day with 40 refrigerated vehicles. he specifics of the hospitality industry present some logistical challenges to MEGA: Because gastronomy businesses often order both frozen products (-18° C) as well as refrigerated fresh foods (2 to 5° C). And with these products, all depends on particularly precise deadlines with short acceptance windows and a perfect goods state.

Automation of data transfer

This was not always possible without errors in daily use with Outlook and Excel lists and with the feedback from drivers by phone. With TIS the status reports of trucks have been digitized by telematicboxes with interface function integrated in the refrigerated truck. In addition, all drivers are now connected via mobile devices with the head office, relevant data are passed almost real time and automated. In addition, the vehicles are tracked in real time and displayed on a map in the head office’s disposition. Thus, the disposition has control of each step, always knows where the vehicles currently are located and how many stops they have to do. With TISLOG mobile PSV3 MEGA can also create overviews of load contents and delivery order and generate chargebacks of exchange, loading equipment directly at the customer as needed.

Formerly an overview of the distribution of loading equipment among the individual clients was technically impossible. Now, it only takes a glance into the system. By this MEGA has made a good step towards smooth and error-free work processes in freight transport.

Virtual Loading Equipment waybill

An important add-on for MEGA is the “Virtual Loading Equipment Waybill“: The driver keeps track of various deliveries in one truck and is able to assign the deposits safely even with different loading equipment return swaps. At the same time he can alert the customer of missing loading equipment and note this in the system. This relieves the loading equipment accounting, resulting in faster, more efficient processing – and makes more time for the concerns of customers.

Do you have questions about our mobile order management software? Our sales colleagues will be happy to advise you.


Product development on the screen: The design process of our TISPLUS hardware

TIS is also manufacturer and specialist in accessories like car holders and ergonomic trigger handles for industrial smartphones. The magazine Plastverarbeiter just reported on our product development process using 3D modeling and 3D printing.
Using a parametric 3D modeling system the specialists at TIS manage to transform innovative ideas into series products within just a few weeks. For this purpose, our hardware developers first build a model on the screen. The CAD system allows to pull and pluck the model until it fits. In a second phase, a 3D printed prototype is created from the 3D model. With this we can immediately perform a functional test and fast optimization.The advantage of this development process: In only a few days we can test out new ideas – and bring them to the market as well in the shortest time. This has significantly reduced our product development processes.

Find the entire essay from Plastverarbeiter 01/2015 is for download below (German only).

Do you have questions about our TISPLUS accessory products? Our sales colleagues will be happy to advise you.


Essay Plastverarbeiter 01/2015 (German only)


148.38 KB

Logistics software TISLOG | TIS GmbH

TISLOG logistics software: Our new product presentation on the Web

You certainly have already heard about it, if you have visited us this year on one of our many presentations at trade fairs: Our portfolio has grown. Under the umbrella brand "TISLOG Logistics & Mobility" we now bundle various telematics solutions. Learn more about it on our new product website.
In addition to the proven PSV3 system for Windows Embedded 6.5 Handhelds, with TISLOG mobile Enterprise we now also offer a smart app for Android devices in our portfolio. And the completely browser-based solution TISLOG mobile Smart allows to easily integrate sporadically commissioned subcontractors or drivers in charter application - without storing data on their smartphones.

Want to know more?
Then visit our new website:

Or contact our sales representatives directly.

Our sales team will gladly advise you!

Do you have any questions about this news or general questions about our products and services?

Our colleagues in the TIS sales gladly take care of your questions concerns.

Please give us a call:

+49 2871 2722-0

Or send us an e-mail

Our new colleague in Support

sandra-joostenSince July 1st, Sandra Joosten reinforces our support. Sandra Joosten has recently completed her training as an IT specialist for system integration at the district administration in Kleve. In her training company she was responsible, among other things, for the technical requests of more than 800 employees. She also worked as a systems administrator for server administration. Since July now, she works at the TIS GmbH and supports our customers. We are delighted that Sandra Joosten is working with us - welcome!

Find more information about the TIS Team.


TIS GmbH recipesRecipes for the barbecue season

Our TIS colleagues Pia Soppe and Peter Int-Veen have provided some of their favorite recipes for the summer. Success guaranteed and extremely tasty! Peter Int-Veen is not only deputy convivium leader of Slow Food Bocholt, but also a real bread-Gourmet and ambitious hobby baker. He reveals the secret of good crispbread - and Pia Soppe provides two matching spreads. Both fit perfectly with grilled food or also taste delicious as a lighter evening snack on warm summer evenings. Did you get hungry now? Find the recipes right here:



Date cream dip

You need:
• 3 cups of sour cream or crème fraiche
• A generous handful of pitted dates
• 1 bunch scallions
• Salt and pepper

How to do it:
Chop or cut the dates and the scallions very small and mix with the sour cream. Then season with salt and pepper and allow to cool for half an hour in the refrigerator.



Tomato Butter

You need:
• 1 package of butter
• Half a tube of tomato paste
• 1 crushed garlic clove
• 1 teaspoon instant - broth
• Salt and pepper to taste

How to do it:
Let the butter sit at room temperature until it is quite soft, then mix with the remaining ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Keep in the fridge until ready to serve.



Crispbread served two ways

I recommend to try baking crispbread for the summer time. It may sound boring, but it is not. It is quick and easy. Paired with homemade bread spread it makes a full meal - no cooking required. Freshly baked, it is highly "addictive". Therefore there is still no experience when it comes to expiration - but I think that you can use the crispbread over 14 days, provided it is completely dry.
Here are two recipes that make different flavors comparable. So everyone can figure out his own favorite version. The recipes like to be modified with your own ideas.



Crispbread, the basic recipe and version 1:

You need:
• 140 g spelt or whole wheat flour (freshly ground)
• 140 g oatmeal
• 140g mixed grains and pseudo grains (sesame, linseed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, amaranth, millet, etc.)
• 12 g salt
• 50 g of vegetable oil
• 430 g of water

How to do it:
Mix all ingredients and let soak for 30 minutes.
Divide the mixture in half (each 430 g) and thinly spread one part on baking parchment / baking tray (preferably without holes). I take a soft dough scraper for otherwise take a soft rubber scraper or a spoon.
Info on baking time below.



Version 2 - piquant as chip replacement:

Season the 2nd part piquant, for example, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 pinch of sharp paprika, 1 heaped tsp of sweet paprika, 1 level teaspoon of bread seasoning and 1 tsp of nettle seeds  stirred in and then spread on the 2nd sheet. You may also add fresh rosemary and thyme.
Bake the two plates for 20 minutes at 160 degrees hot air. Remove the baking sheets and turn quickly turn the baking paper together with the crispbread. Then the baking paper can easily be peeled off. Now cut the crispbread with scissors into pieces. Slide back into the oven and bake for another 20 minutes (a wooden spoon clamped in the oven door).
The basic recipe could also be spread as granola bars on a single sheet, then garnished with chopped dried fruit and nuts, possibly golden syrup.


Termine der TIS GmbHEvents - mark these dates in your calendar

  • POST-EXPO - September 29 - October 1st, 2015 in Paris
  • BWVL-Dialogforum 2015 - October 14, 2015 in Berlin

Find more info in our event calendar

This year there will be no in-house exhibition at TIS, instead we are planning a huge celebration on the occasion of our 30th anniversary in 2016 together with you! We will provide you with more information in one of our upcoming newsletters.

See you in fall!

That's it from us with news for this summer! In autumn we will contact you again and tell you the latest from the TIS!
Please feel free to submit comments or suggestions about this newsletter anytime.

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